Things you can get from Facebook Likes: Puppies and Sex

Move over 'share if you care' posts on Facebook, these users have found a way to use Facebook for personal purposes – to convince their father to buy them a puppy and to convince their crush to get intimate with them! Last week alone, two users shot into the limelight on Facebook for setting up pages to get one million likes as a challenge in their private lives.

A pair of siblings was helped by their father to set up a Facebook page last week. The kids were demanding they have a furry friend in their house, while the sceptical father set up a challenge for the kids – get a million likes on Facebook and the pup is yours. "Hi World," the message in the profile picture of the page reads. "We want a puppy! Our dad said we could get one if we get 1 million likes! He doesn't think we can do it! So 'like' this!"

Of course, puppies, kittens and cute kids are the Internet's weakness. A bunch of kids pulling the cutest faces asking for a puppy is the most lethal 'aww' combo ever. Twogirlsandapuppy, the Facebook page, took less than two days to reach the set target of a million likes, much to the shock of the father.

Thankfully, and much to the happiness of Facebook users who had like the page, the girls' parents adopted a puppy named Millie for them and their three younger brothers, even as the page is garnering likes at a breakneck speed.

The girls get a puppy, the Internet gets an 'aww' moment

On the other hand, a similar post, with not-so-similar objectives went viral days after Twogirlsandapuppy did. The objective of the post, which has now been pulled off, was to get a million likes in order to get the poster's high school crush to sleep with him! Sounds weird?

Petter Kverneng of Norway put up an image – strangely reminiscent of the girls who wanted a pup – where he implored users to like the post so that Catherine would agree to have sex with him. "Catherine says that if I can get one million likes, she will have sex with me. Please share and like," read the chart paper Kverneng held up. Catherine sat next to Kverneng in the image looking a little befuddled by the entire exercise.

The image went viral in no time with image board 4chan picking up on the story and members joining forces to help the 20-year-old Kverneng out. The image received a million likes within hours, kind of pointing towards the fact that sex can trump cute kids and puppies on the Internet any day.

While Kverneng claimed to local media that the image was meant as a joke for his friend group, he also said that the two of them planned to 'keep what we promised'. Facebook essentially helped a chap successfully break out of the friendzone simply by soliciting likes.

Getting intimate, like a boss!

Most keen observers of the social media were unhappy with the way these posts blatantly solicited likes, piggybacking on the most basic human emotions. Some even expressed concern over the father of the two young girls not setting a good example for his children to follow in. The bottomline here, though, is that one should never underestimate the power of the social media. The likes may not literally feed starving children in Africa or have Facebook donate $1 to an ailing child, but it can get a puppy for a bunch of kids and get a young adult with raging hormones out of the friendzone.

Reprot by : Nishtha Kanal


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