Linkedin hits 200 million user mark, adds two new users every second

Professional social networking website LinkedIn has hit 200 million members across 200 countries and 19 language user groups. It was also revealed that approximately two new members joined LinkedIn every second.
LinkedIn senior vice president of products and user experience, Deep Nishar, wrote about the milestone in a blog post. “I’d like to thank each of you for helping build the LinkedIn network into what it is today. It’s been amazing to see how our members have been able to transform their professional lives through LinkedIn. You truly grasp the power of LinkedIn when you start to focus on these individual success stories,” he said.
It has taken LinkedIn a while to get to this landmark figure. The site hit 100 million members nearly two years ago in March 2011. The 100 million mark was reached nearly eight years after the site’s founding in 2003. The rate at which LinkedIn is growing is a far cry from Facebook’s expansion rate but it has to be noted that LinkedIn works as an interactive résumé for users to hone their career and skills – it’s serious business.

A new milestone!

Nishar released several facts and figures with a neat infographic to celebrate the milestone LinkedIn had reached. According to LinkedIn's released figures, the US houses most members of the professional social networking website, with over 74 million of them. Not surprisingly, India comes in second with 18 million LinkedIn members belonging to the country. Brazil and United Kingdom had 11 million members each.
Expansion has been an important factor in driving membership rates up for LinkedIn and Nishar revealed that the site’s membership has been growing fast in countries like Turkey, Columbia and Indonesia. On the mobile front, China, Brazil, Portugal, India and Italy ruled the roost for growing markets.
It will be interesting to note that 4 million of LinkedIn's members work in the IT sector. Financial services and higher education take the next places with 2 million and 1.95 million members, respectively.
The most interesting of all the figures revealed though, was one where Nishar says that LinkedIn adds approximately two new members each second, with around 172,800 new registrations per day. LinkedIn of course, never revealed the number of active users the site has. It would be a litmus test of sorts for the site to mention how many users actively use the site to connect professionally.
LinkedIn has been going hammer and tongs over improving usability of not just its website but also their mobile-based apps. Beginning September 2012, LinkedIn started upgrading its app across all platforms to help professionals. In October, LinkedIn also revamped its user interface on the web and introduced a new profile design for users.
LinkedIn’s Aaron Bronzan has said that the renewed LinkedIn profile pages had a new visual design that was designed to help users present their skills and accomplishments in a refreshed way, to have a powerful first impression. LinkedIn has also introduced new tools such as inline editing and notifications to make the site easy to use.


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