Apple iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S3: battle lines being drawn (video)

Apple’s iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S3 comparisons are inevitable (video). Meanwhile battle lines are drawn as ad war begins between top two smart-phone manufacturers

Apple iPhone 5 is finally available in the market amid unprecedented enthusiasm among Apple fanboys. Apple has been expecting a record demand for its new version of iPhone 5 and some market analysts given the enthusiasm in the market have suggested that the Cupertino based Apple can sell as many as 10 million units of iPhone 5 in the first week itself.

But others are not really as ecstatic about such high figures and suggest that the demand will be very high but will not touch ten million units. They suggest a more conservative figure of around six million units sales of the new Apple smart-phone.

Yesterday when iPhone 5 was launched there were serpentine queues outside almost every Apple outlet not just in United States, but everywhere else where its sales opened. In many places people were forming queues several days in advance to be able to be the first to get their hands on the new iteration of iPhone.

Meanwhile Apple and Samsung rivalry is being increasingly seen in new advertisement war brewing between the two technology giants. Apple faces its biggest threats from Samsung’s Galaxy S3 and its forthcoming phablet Galaxy Note 2. Galaxy S3 has already sold around thirty million units across the US and before iPhone 5 launch, it was the highest selling smart-phone in North America, much of Europe and Asia, besides of course Middle East.

Samsung’s forthcoming television ad mocks Apple’s latest product. Korean company’s advertisement titled “It doesn’t take a genius” is the most scathing attack against Apple and its product and its comparison without doubt leaves people with a sense that Apple’s iPhone is not really such a smart product after all. To be true, Samsung’s latest ad comparing iPhone 5 vs Galaxy S3 proves to a common user that iPhone is not really that genius and Samsung’s baby is clearly the better one. But for many people only specifications don’t matter when it comes to buying a smartphone or tablet, brand and brand loyalty are very important for them.

And here Apple beats not just Samsung, but all other smart-phone manufacturers hands down.


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