Stop smoking

Stop smoking, today!

Although known to be a very dangerous and addictive habit, smoking has always been a go-to for many people dealing with stress. Those who have contemplated quitting have tried a host of nicotine replacement methods, but only a few succeeded. The following list provides ahost of benefits that the body will experience if you quit smoking.

1. Positive Side of Quitting

Here are some of the positive aspects of quitting, which range from immediate to long-term effects on the body.
• The heightened blood pressure levels will resume to the normal level in 20 minutes.
• The level of carbon monoxide in the blood stream will gradually reduce to let the oxygen levels become normal, in about 8 hours.
• In 2 days, all the nicotine surging through the body would have left the system, and the perception of taste and smell would have returned to normal.
• In 4 days, the bronchial tubes of the body would have relaxed and your energy levels will increase.
• In 2 weeks, the circulation will get better and will continue to improve for the next 10 weeks.
• In 9 months, all respiratory troubles would have ceased and the lung capacity will increase by 10%.
• In 5 years, the heart and lung would be functioning like that of a non-smoker, with reduced risks of heart attacks and lung cancer.

2. Negative Side of Quitting

Listed below are some negative aspects of quitting, mainly resulting due to body trying to adapt to the sudden change. These symptoms tend to dissipate in no time.
 Digestive Changes: Quitting smoking can lead to acidity, indigestion and heartburn as immediate effects along with chances of flatulence and border-line diarrhoea, constipation and nausea.
 Respiratory Changes: Because the body is no longer being polluted by harmful tar, the respiratory system will be on a regenerative mode. This may lead to sinus congestion, cold, throat clearing and hoarseness of voice.
• Circulatory Changes: With the heart no longer pumping furiously to maintain the high blood pressure, the balanced circulation could have some temporary side effects like tingling fingers, dizziness, muscle stiffness and fluid retention in the body.
• Psychological and Mental Changes: Nicotine has vascular-constricting properties and makes the heart weaker by forcing it to function much faster than its capacity. With the heart now attaining normalcy, fatigue and drowsiness could be temporary side effects.
Sleep patterns also tend to witness alterations as you will go into the REM (Repeated Eye Movement) or the light-sleep mode, with frequent vivid nightmares. Since smoking suppresses modes of normal mental expression, dreaming becomes the only way of dealing with the daytime stresses and problems. Quitting smoking could make you slightly irritable as well.
At the end of the day, your decision to stop smoking is actually saving your life. While the body takes time to adapt to a non-smoking lifestyle, the occurrence of certain side effects is inevitable. However, with healthy lifestyle alternatives one can stay true to their decision and enjoy a smoke-free life.


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